Our Products

Tavanyar application is designed for android platform and provides various transfer
& movement techniques training for stroke patients and their caregivers by multimedia
contents including text, voice and animation.

The major transfer techniques covered by this application are as follows:

  2. »   Proper positioning on the chairs and beds
  3. »  Techniques to switch from supine lying on the side
  4. »  Techniques to switch from supine to sitting position
  5. »  Techniques to switch from sitting on the bed or chair to a standing position and vice versa
  6. »  Transferring techniques from bed to chair
  7. »  Transferring techniques on the stairs

Tavanyar application is designed for windows desktop and provides various transfer
& movement techniques training for stroke patients and their caregivers by
multimedia contents including text, voice and animation.The major transfer techniques covered
by this application are as follows:

    »  Proper positioning on the chairs and beds

»  Techniques to switch from supine lying on the side

»  Techniques to switch from supine to sitting position

»  Techniques to switch from sitting on the bed or chair to a standing position and vice versa

»  Transferring techniques from bed to chair

»  Transferring techniques on the stairs


The additional features of Tavanyar windows desktop application are as follows:

      »   Personalization of program for patient or therapist

      »   Saving the patient profile includes type of disability, date of onset, age and other necessary information.

      »   Selection & classification of allowed transfer for patient by therapist

      »   Recording the textual and audio recommendations

      »   Visualizing the progress trend of treatment


Stork-based disables' movements, necessitate caregivers support for transfer from one position/state to another. This matters ongoing physical load on the musculoskeletal system, often resulting in musculoskeletal pain in caregivers.

One of the preventative methods is caregiver trainings and educations that can be critical for positive outcomes for both stroke patients and their caregivers. Using these ideas, we created two transfer-technique software packages (usable for windows desktop and android mobile phones) related to stroke patients and their caregivers for dear users.

The content of this program is based on an academic research and using the views of clinicians, patients and caregivers of patients with stroke has been prepared and it considered all aspects of mobility in everyday life. These software packages have prepared under supervision of occupational therapists & other specialists work with neurological patients and also clinical research has shown its effectiveness.

The transfer techniques training program of stroke patients has prepared in simple Persian language and using motion pictures, in addition to subtitle and audio files related to each method to assist users in learning proper transfer techniques for stroke patient.

The educational program includes all principles related to positioning, mobility, and safe transfers of stroke patients. In this application, the most common and the riskiest forms of transfers related to stroke patients and their caregivers have been taught (has been given) in the simplest, the most secure and most practical methods.

Hope to this program will be a good guide for caregivers. Please send your comments and suggestions to improve the program and any other needed educational programs to inform the team of researchers (VAEDA) through the following email address.






Tavanyar (1)

Android Version


Installable on 3 android devices
(phone, tablet, etc)

Price: 70000 Tooman



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Tavanyar (1)

Windows Version


Installable on 3 computers

Price: 70000 Tooman



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Our Team


This group relying on the experience of expert technical team in various domains of computer graphics, animation, software programming and artificial intelligence, alongside medical and pedagogy consultants is ready to design and implement your desired software packages. Those who are reliable & dutiful with the spirit of learning and team working are welcomed to our intimate team. 




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